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1 2 3 4 5Replacle


Replacle offers a unique and colorful word-guessing game. If you want to find a new word game, then this is a choice for you. Make predictions about the secret word in five tries with prompts. Start testing your vocabulary now!

How to play

In this game, the player needs to make a guess about the secret word in five tries. After each try, the game will reveal the level of accuracy through the color of the changing box. Cells with the same color mean that the letters are on the same row of the QWERTY keyboard.

  • If it is a color, that means the letter is correct.
  • A different color means the letter is correct but in the wrong position.
  • The third color means that letter does not appear in the word and needs to be removed.

As in the example above, the first color is pink, the second color is blue, and the third color is purple.

If you want more challenges, you can try Superdle game. Have fun!


PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE brain logic crossword word-search guess letters search
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