Mini CrosswordConnectionsHardleFlaggleWeaver GameCinenerdleFoodle
1 2 3 4 5Dirdle


Dirdle variant of Wordle has attracted a lot of participants in recent times. Guess the 5-letter word in 7 tries. Get started and find out what's different about the rules. Have fun!

How to play

Players start the game with a 5x7 board. You need to guess the 5-letter word in 7 guesses. After each prediction, you will receive the results shown through the colors and characters in the crossword. Those are the suggestions for the word that appears next.

  • If the gray crossword has a [?] mark, the letter does not appear in the word or is in the correct position.
  • If the crossword has a yellow arrow, it is in the word but in the wrong place; the direction of the arrow is the corresponding direction of the word that appears correctly.
  • You can click the box marked [?] to reveal the next hint. The word in the correct position will be blue; if it is black, the word is completely absent. The game will provide up to five hints that turn black.

Try Wordle Solver if you want to play variations of Wordle with a new way of playing.



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